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Oil Paintings: Oil Paintings 48x72
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings 48x72
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PA89688B Passing Time
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89688B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89688B-36x48
Item #: PA89688B-48x72
Item #: PA89688B-RC48x72
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PA89951B Mediterranean
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89951B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89951B-36x48
Item #: PA89951B-RC48x72
Item #: PA89951B-48x72
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PA88884 Lamplit Cafe
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA88884-RC36x48
Item #: PA88884-36x48
Item #: PA88884-48x48
Item #: PA88884-RC48x48
Item #: PA88884-48x72
Item #: PA88884-RC48x72
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PA89935 Lady In Red II
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89935B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89935B-36x48
Item #: PA89935B-RC48x72
Item #: PA89935B-48x72
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PA89561B Lady In Red
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89561B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89561B-36x48
Item #: PA89561B-48x72
Item #: PA89561B-RC48x72
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PA89560B Lady In Black
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89560B-36x48
Item #: PA89560B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89560B-48x72
Item #: PA89560B-RC48x72
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PA73304 Hillside Villag
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA73304-RC36x48
Item #: PA73304-36x48
Item #: PA73304-48x72
Item #: PA73304-RC48x72
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PA89961B Harbor View
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
48.00 x 72.00 inches
Item #: PA89961B-36x48
Item #: PA89961B-RC36x48
Item #: PA89961B-48x72
Item #: PA89961B-RC48x72
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PA89265 Venetian Aftern
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 48x72 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
36.00 x 48.00 inches
36.00 x 48.00 inches
48.00 x 36.00 inches
48.00 x 36.00 inches
72.00 x 48.00 inches
72.00 x 48.00 inches
Item #: PA89265-RC
Item #: PA89265
Item #: PA89265-RC36x48
Item #: PA89265-36x48
Item #: PA89265-48x72
Item #: PA89265-RC48x72
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PA89608 Dream Lady II
Rolled Canvas
Oil Painting 24x60 Regular Stretch
24.00 x 60.00 inches
24.00 x 60.00 inches
Item #: PA89608-24x60
Item #: PA89608-RC24x60
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PA89607 Dream Lady I
Rolled Canvas
Oil Painting 24x60 Regular Stretch
24.00 x 60.00 inches
24.00 x 60.00 inches
Item #: PA89607-24x60
Item #: PA89607-RC24x60
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65993 Venice Bridge
Oil Painting 24x48 Regular Stretch
Oil Painting 36x48 Regular Stretch
Rolled Oil Painting Standard Quality
48.00 x 24.00 inches
48.00 x 24.00 inches
48.00 x 36.00 inches
48.00 x 36.00 inches
Item #: 65993-24x48
Item #: 65993-RC24x48
Item #: 65993-RC
Item #: 65993
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Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings 48x72